Lancaster, PA is home to close to a hundred local fire companies staffed by brave men and women who are often the first responders to the scene of accidents, building and home fires, and other emergencies! In addition, local fire departments provide emergency medical services, hazardous materials response and provide special rescue response.
They also provide inspection and code enforcement, fire and arson investigation and public fire safety education, not to mention saving animals trapped down in storm drains or up in trees.
Some of our local departments are partly made up of volunteer firefighters and some are completely volunteer-run. Across the U.S. today, approximately 70% of all firefighters are volunteers!
These volunteers give of their own time and energy to protect and watch over our community. Their job is dangerous and difficult, and they often risk their own life and limb in order to protect other people’s lives, families, homes and pets!
Earlier this year, we here at Prospect Leasing & Management had the opportunity to witness up close just how committed, professional and hard-working our local fire departments conduct themselves after a small fire broke out at one of our rental properties. Thankfully, no one was injured, and the damage was minimized thanks to the great response from local fire crews who also determined the cause of the accident afterwards.
We all owe our local volunteers a debt of gratitude for the countless hours they put in to keep the rest of us safe. In many ways, they form the backbone of our community and are always the first on the scene to help when trouble arises.
From now until the end of February, Prospect Leasing & Management would like to say thank you by waiving our $15 application fees to all active volunteers at Lancaster County fire departments!
If you’re a local volunteer firefighter looking for a new apartment, please give us a call at (717) 285-4555 for instructions on how to apply. Thank you for your selfless and courageous service to the community!